A Little about Me

This isn't mine. I just shot it.

While I studied film and media archiving at L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation at the George Eastman Museum, I unfortunately after 4 years was not able to find a job in the field, but did find a very nice position archiving for a scientific laboratory near Ithaca, NY. The study of film and film history still occupies a great deal of my waking attention, and I have kept in touch with quite a few of my archivist classmates. I also dabble in various creative endeavors including photography, writing fiction, and music. Allied to the photography, I also sometimes shoot footage in 16mm, and am always on the lookout for collaborators (yet to find any).

I was born in southern Maine, but have lived between there, North Georgia, Central Virginia, and New York State in various phases of my life. Most of my adult life until now was spent in Virginia, so despite my Yankee birth, I do feel more culturally Southern. Though north or south, my upbringing and adulthood has been firmly working/lower middle class.

I am starting a new phase of my life as a homeowner, in the process of buying a plain and modest, but handsome 1890’s farmhouse on a half acre. There will be gardening and chickens, in addition to the necessary renovations.